Diversification of Energy Poverty in Central and Eastern European Countries
energy poverty, energy services affordability, householdsAbstract
Household energy security, particularly the affordability of energy services and the issue of energy poverty, is a widely debated topic at both the EU level and within individual countries. Despite the attention it receives, gaps remain in understanding the extent and profiles of energy poverty across different nations. The aim of this paper is to investigate the diversity of energy poverty in Central and Eastern European countries, providing new insights into the factors contributing to this challenge. To achieve this, the study introduces an energy poverty index that aggregates three key aspects: the availability and affordability of energy services, and household energy efficiency. This comprehensive framework enables cross-country comparisons and highlights the diversity in their energy poverty profiles. The methodology involves quantitative analysis using data collected from relevant national and EU-level statistical sources. The analysis focuses on the level and dynamics of energy poverty across the studied countries over a specified period. The results reveal significant variation in the levels and trends of energy poverty among the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Notably, this region includes both countries with the highest and lowest levels of energy poverty in Europe. Most of the countries studied demonstrated a decreasing trend in energy poverty levels during the analysed period. The analysis of the index components further disclosed diverse energy poverty profiles across the region. In the discussion, the study emphasises the role of external factors, such as economic crises, which have influenced energy service affordability by reducing income levels and increasing energy prices due to higher tax burdens on energy carriers. The conclusions stress the need for targeted policy measures that consider these diverse energy poverty profiles. Future research should explore long-term policy impacts on energy poverty and investigate additional socioeconomic and environmental variables that could shape household energy security in the region.
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