Managing the Logistic Activities of Agricultural Enterprises under Conditions of Digital Economy
agricultural enterprise, logistics management, customer-oriented approach, information and communication technologies, digital economy, transformationAbstract
At the current stage of transformations, it is of urgent importance to solve the problems of logistics management in the system of agricultural enterprise management. The issues are particularly relevant under conditions of the rapid development of digital economy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop further theoretical and methodological fundamentals, scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations to enhance the efficiency of managing the logistic activities of business entities in the agro-industrial complex allowing for the specific features of business processes digitalization. The article specifies the essence of the concept “management of the logistic activities of an agricultural enterprise” in digital economy. Problems, specific features and directions of transforming the logistics management in the agrarian sphere are identified. The work carries out a comparative analysis of the indicators reflecting trends in the global development of agriculture by applying digital instruments and technologies. The authors analyze the range of using information and communication technologies while organizing the logistic activities at Ukrainian processing enterprises. The authors reveal the key barriers hindering the digital transformation of the logistic activities of agricultural enterprises, which can be conventionally classified into 7 groups, namely institutional, market, transport, marketing, informational, organizational, financial and economic. It is confirmed that to eliminate those barriers, it is necessary to transform radically the existing system of managing the logistic activities of agricultural enterprises, which should be based on fundamentally new principles of operation under conditions of digitalization.
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